What is the Difference Between “400G” and “200G” Breakout DAC?

Harper Ross

Harper Ross

Answered on 9:52 am

A 400G and a 200G breakout DAC are both types of direct attach copper cables that can connect a 400G port to multiple lower-speed ports. The difference is that a 400G breakout DAC can split a 400G port into four 100G ports or eight 50G ports, while a 200G breakout DAC can split a 400G port into two 200G ports.

A 400G breakout DAC uses QSFP28 or SFP56 modules on the lower-speed end, while a 200G breakout DAC uses QSFP56 modules on the lower-speed end. For example, you can use a [400G QSFP-DD to 4x50G SFP56 Passive Breakout DAC] to connect a 400G QSFP-DD port to four 50G SFP56 ports, or you can use a 400G QSFP-DD to 2x200G QSFP56 Passive Breakout DAC to connect a 400G QSFP-DD port to two 200G QSFP56 ports.

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