Everything You Need to Know About the Mellanox ConnectX-5: The Ultimate 100Gigabit Ethernet Card for Servers

In today’s high-performance computing environments, efficient and powerful network interfaces cannot be overemphasized. As companies and data centers grow larger, there is a higher need for strong and flexible Ethernet cards. Servers can now have unmatched 100Gigabit Ethernet connectivity thanks to the Mellanox ConnectX-5. This write-up takes a deep dive into the technical specifications, performance metrics, and standout features of this device; all presented in an inclusive guide meant for system administrators as well as IT professionals. We want to provide you with enough information about its structure and benefits so that you can decide whether or not integrating such an advanced network interface card into your infrastructure will be right, thus optimizing server performance while ensuring seamless data transmission at the same time.

Table of Contents

What is the Mellanox ConnectX-5?

What is the Mellanox ConnectX-5?

Key Features of Mellanox ConnectX-5

The Mellanox ConnectX-5 is equipped with features that are meant to push network performance and reliability to their limits, such as being a dual-port SmartNIC. Some of the main features are listed below:

  • 100GbE Connectivity: Ethernet connectivity of up to 100 Gigabits per second ensures that data transfer is fast and latency is low.
  • Multi-Host Support: This allows one network interface card to be shared among many servers, optimizing resource allocation while cutting down on hardware costs.
  • RDMA over Converged Ethernet (RoCE): This feature is useful for high-performance computing applications that require low-latency, high-throughput data transfer.
  • Offload Capabilities: Packet processing hardware offloads are supported by TCP/IP, VXLAN, and NVGRE, among others, freeing CPU resources for other tasks.
  • Virtualization Support: Enhanced vSwitch/VF plus Single Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV) capabilities can achieve better virtual machine performance and density.
  • Comprehensive Management Tools: In terms of diagnostics, monitoring, or managing networks, this product does not fall short of providing advanced tools that facilitate operational efficiency at its best.

Indeed, these functionalities combined represent a flexible yet strong solution that suits modern-day enterprises’ networking environments as well as those found within data centers.

Why Choose the Mellanox ConnectX-5 for Your Network?

Selecting the Mellanox ConnectX-5 for network infrastructure has many benefits, which include higher performance, low cost, and robust functionality. It guarantees rapid data transfer and minimum latency through its 100GbE connectivity, which is essential in high-performance computing environments. The multi-host support reduces hardware costs by enabling multiple servers to share one NIC, thus supporting resource utilization efficiency. Data-intensive applications require low-latency, high-throughput communication; this is achieved by implementing RDMA over Converged Ethernet (RoCE). Apart from this, the card’s offload capabilities optimize system performance by relieving the CPU of packet processing tasks. Better ROI on virtualization investments can be achieved through enhanced virtualization support that increases VM density and efficiency. Ultimately, these features, together with other tools provided for comprehensive management, ensure streamlined network operation monitoring, diagnosis, and management precision, leading to reduced downtime.

Comparison with Other 100Gigabit Ethernet Cards

When you compare the Mellanox ConnectX-5 to other leading 100Gigabit Ethernet cards available on the market, it is clear that the ConnectX-5 has a few areas where it outshines its competitors: performance, feature set, and cost-efficiency.

Performance: With ultra-low latency and high throughput – both of which are essential for high-performance computing and data-centric applications – being just two of its hallmarks, it is no surprise that the Mellanox ConnectX-5 enjoys a reputation for exceptional performance. Moreover, support for 100GbE connectivity as well as RDMA over Converged Ethernet (RoCE) enables strong performance even in hostile environments. Although reliable performers such as Intel Ethernet Network Adapter XXV710 often get recommended at top computing forums, they usually fall short in terms of latency and throughput when compared against any of these Mellanox offerings.

Feature Set: The range of features on offer with this product is truly impressive; multi-host support alone represents a substantial improvement over previous versions. Other highlights include enhanced virtualization capabilities and hardware offload functions that allow better resource utilization, more efficient packet processing, and higher virtualization density, respectively. Broadcom NetXtreme family also has similar characteristics but fails to match up with the superior offload capacity or advanced virtualization functionality found in ConnectX-5, which does complex network tasks better while using fewer resources.

Cost-Efficiency: In terms of cost-efficiency performance levels achieved, one must say that nothing beats a good deal like getting maximum bang for your bucks spent! And so it is with our friend here – not only does he provide great value considering what he can do, but even when put side by side with Cisco UCS VIC 1385 (another strong contender boasting robust features & performance), most times latter tends to have higher price tags attached thereby making former more pocket friendly without any compromise on critical features & performance.

Ultimately, what sets the Mellanox ConnectX-5 apart from other leading 100Gigabit Ethernet cards is its rich feature set, top-tier performance levels, and budget-friendliness, which make it ideal for use in modern data centers as well as enterprise networks.

How to Install and Configure the Mellanox ConnectX-5

How to Install and Configure the Mellanox ConnectX-5

Installation Steps for Mellanox ConnectX-5

Prepare Server

  • Make sure the server is not powered on before you begin with hardware installation.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to open the server chassis in order to get access to PCIe slots.

Set Up ConnectX-5 Adapter

  • Find out which slot should be used and carefully insert the Mellanox ConnectX-5 Ethernet card into it.
  • Fasten the card with the retaining mechanism given inside the server chassis.

Switch On Server

  • Close the server by covering its chassis, then turn it on again.
  • Confirm whether the system BIOS/UEFI recognizes new hardware. It might need checking via BIOS/UEFI settings.

Install Drivers Needed

  • Download the latest support drivers for Mellanox from their official website.
  • Then follow the instructions provided so as to install these drivers onto your OS; typically, this will entail running an installation script or executable file.

Network Interface Configuration

  • Configure the network interface using the operating system’s network management tools, which are available for that purpose.
  • For Windows systems, one can use the Network and Sharing Centre to set up network properties accordingly.

Check Connectivity and Performance

  • Once the configuration is complete, the operational status of the network connection made during set-up should be tested.
  • Throughput and latency expected from Mellanox ConnectX-5 could be verified by employing benchmark tools.

Follow these steps, and you are guaranteed success in installing/configuring your Mellanox ConnectX-5 Network Adapter, thus maximizing network performance.

Configuring the ConnectX-5 EN for Optimal Performance

How to Set Up the Adapter in the OS

  • Please go to your system’s network settings.
  • Find Mellanox ConnectX-5 Ethernet adapter.
  • Reach adapter properties and modify necessary options to increase performance, such as enabling jumbo frames or adjusting interrupt moderation rates.

QoS Configuration

  • Launch a network management console.
  • Create QoS policies that will allow you to give priority to different types of traffic – this way, critical applications can receive as much bandwidth as they need.
  • Apply these settings of quality of service and check whether they work using network monitoring tools.

Firmware and Driver Settings Adjustment

  • With the aid of Mellanox’s management utilities, one may get access to firmware settings.
  • Upgrade firmware to its latest version if it is not yet available.
  • Accordingly, with workload demands, configure SR-IOV, adaptive transmit, flow control parameters, etcetera.

Tuning Performance Using Benchmark Tools

  • Benchmarking suites like iPerf or other network performance testing tools can be employed specifically for this purpose.
  • You should measure throughput successively with varying levels of latency and packet loss under different configurations.
  • Fine-tune adapter settings based on benchmark results until an optimal balance between stability and performance is achieved, then repeat benchmarking again.

By doing so, you’ll be able to maximize efficiency & reliability within the network environment while working with Mellanox ConnectX-5 Ethernet adapters.

Troubleshooting Common Installation Issues

Driver Installation Problems

  • Symptom: The driver installation fails or the adapter is not recognized.
  • Solution: Make sure that you have downloaded the latest driver from the official Mellanox site, which is compatible with your operating system. Check system compatibility and try reinstalling after disabling any antivirus software that might interfere with the installation process.

Adapter Not Detected

  • Symptom: The system does not detect my Mellanox ConnectX-5 Ethernet Adapter.
  • Solution: Ensure the adapter is well seated in the PCIe slot; Enable PCIe slots in BIOS/UEFI settings or Update motherboard firmware if necessary. Test it on different slots or systems to confirm that there are no hardware conflict issues on this device.

Connectivity Issues

  • Symptom: There is no connectivity at all, or network connections are intermittent.
  • Solution: Verify that network cables are correctly connected and in good condition. Confirm switch port and setting compatibility with adapter configuration. Different cables and switch ports are used for connection testing to locate possible fault points.

Performance Problems

  • Symptom: Unexpected drops in performance or suboptimal network performance.
  • Solution: Review QoS settings and readjust them where necessary; ensure correct jumbo frames configuration across all network devices; update adapter firmware to the latest version while using benchmarking tools to identify specific bottlenecks in performance, then optimize those settings for an adapter accordingly.

By systematically addressing these common installation challenges one by one, you can maximize reliability and improve the networking experience within your environment through the Mellanox ConnectX-5 Ethernet Adapter.

What Are the Connectivity Options for Mellanox ConnectX-5?

What Are the Connectivity Options for Mellanox ConnectX-5?

Exploring Dual-Port QSFP28 Capabilities

To maximize connectivity in high-performance computing or data center settings, the Mellanox ConnectX-5 Ethernet adapter offers dual-port QSFP28 interfaces. Besides being a dual-port SmartNIC, it also supports 100 GbE connections per port through the QSFP28 form factor which ensures reliability with strong bandwidth for applications that are heavy on data. Each one of its ports can be broken into numerous 10 GbE or 25 GbE connections using breakout cables, thus increasing flexibility when designing networks.

Networks need more resilience and reliability; this is achieved by having dual-port QSFP28, which provides greater data throughput and redundancy, which ensures network robustness. These ports can work with SR4 and LR4, among other standard modules, thus making them compatible with different network infrastructures. By using the dual port QSFP28 feature of Mellanox ConnectX-5, organizations can get better performance scalability and flexibility in their network operations.

Understanding PCI Express (PCIe) 3.0 Interface

The Mellanox ConnectX-5 Ethernet adapter relies heavily on the PCI Express (PCIe) 3.0 interface. The data transfer rate of the PCIe 3.0 is much higher than its predecessors as it provides a per-lane data rate of 8 GT/s (Giga-transfers per second), which means that in a 16-lane (x16) configuration, there can be an aggregated bandwidth of up to 32 GB/s. This increase in speed makes the PCIe 3.0 ideal for high-speed network devices and applications that require massive amounts of data processing, especially when using the ConnectX-5 Ethernet Adapter Card.

PCIe 3.0 comes with new rules and signals that reduce latency and increase efficiency, thereby providing optimum communication between the Mellanox ConnectX-5 adapter and the host machine. Additionally, this version is compatible with older versions of PCIe, thus making it easy to fit into already existing systems, hence safeguarding business investments in hardware. Through this interface, the Mellanox ConnectX-5 adapter takes advantage of robustness and scalability for network performance which meets the needs of modern-day data centers and high-performance computing environments.

Optical Fiber Vs. Ethernet: Which Is Best for You?

In thinking about whether optical fiber or Ethernet is the best choice for your network needs, you should consider several factors such as speed, distance and cost.

  1. Speed and Bandwidth: Compared to regular Ethernet cables, optical fibers have far greater bandwidths and can transfer data faster. For example, speeds of up to 100 Gbps are possible with optical fibers which makes them ideal for use in high-demand environments that need a lot of bandwidth or applications where you would like to future-proof your network infrastructure.
  2. Distance: Over long distances, optical fiber cable has little signal loss because it has low attenuation characteristics, so this type is excellent for transmitting data over very large areas. On the other hand, copper-based Ethernet (especially) cables tend to be limited in terms of length; typically, they cannot exceed 100 meters without using signal boosters or repeaters—Cat 6a being an exception.
  3. Cost and Installation: The initial deployment expenses associated with running fiber optic cables can be high compared to traditional copper-based ethernet networks due to their higher cost per unit length and more complex installation requirements. However, when properly implemented, fibers usually last longer than any other medium while also requiring less maintenance, thereby justifying the higher initial investment over time. On the other hand, shorter-range, simpler setups still favor ethernet because its hardware is cheaper and easier to install.
  4. Reliability and Interference: Fiber optics do not conduct electricity so they are immune from electromagnetic interference (EMI), which ensures reliable transmission under electrically noisy conditions that may affect other media types like copper wires used by Ethernet. Properly shielded installations within standard office buildings or data centers will provide stable connections despite some vulnerability towards EMI, but this weakness becomes pronounced when dealing with industrial environments having high levels of electrical noise emissions where only fiber-optic links guarantee error-free performance.

Ultimately what you choose between ‘fibre’ versus ‘copper’ depends on how fast one wants things done, how far apart they are located from each other physically, what kind of budget one has set aside for the project and where it is going to be installed. For instances requiring high speeds over long distances and/or in environments prone to interference, fiber optic would always be preferred over ethernet; however, there still exist situations that require the use of ethernet cables because they remain cost-effective solutions for the majority of networking needs.

What Are Users Saying? Reviews of the Mellanox ConnectX-5

What Are Users Saying? Reviews of the Mellanox ConnectX-5

Top Reviews from Industry Experts


TechRadar praises the Mellanox ConnectX-5 for achieving great performance while remaining reliable. Among the things that could be achieved with this product are excellent throughput and low latency, making them suitable for use in high-performance computing environments. According to the review, it was also commendable that experts claimed this device could work on various network infrastructures; they said it has strong features like RDMA over Converged Ethernet (RoCE) support, among others. In general, what TechRadar found most impressive about the ConnectX-5 is how well it works in demanding data-center applications.

Tom’s Hardware:

Tom’s Hardware speaks of Mellanox ConnectX-5’s efficiency and rich feature set, saying it supports very fast networking with little overhead required. They also focus on the adaptability of this card in both enterprise and data center situations where, according to them, nothing beats its performance when dealing with tasks that need a lot of data to be transferred within short periods. Another thing that makes their opinion stronger is the energy-saving feature plus manageable power consumption levels since these confirm that, indeed, ConnectX-5 remains unmatched anywhere else.


AnandTech carries out an in-depth analysis of the Mellanox ConnectX-5 by taking into consideration different factors such as exceptional metrics achieved and the scalability potential possessed by it. The most important qualities mentioned include high speeds reached through this device together with reliability even under heavy load conditions thus making scalable data centers prefer using them. In addition, AnandTech states there is wide software coverage offered as well as smooth integration into already existing network setups hence their support for such advanced technological superior performance attributes exhibited by ConnectX 5s.

User Experiences with Mellanox ConnectX-5

The Mellanox ConnectX-5 has been continuously praised by its users for being highly reliable and efficient in various application scenarios. Many people have reported that it greatly improves network speed and reduces latency, which can significantly increase work efficiency, especially when dealing with large amounts of data. Those who work in HPC environments or data centers also point out its easy integration and strong support for RDMA over Converged Ethernet (RoCE), making it possible to be used in challenging conditions. Moreover, this device has low power consumption and energy-saving features that are appreciated by many customers as they are aligned with current environmental trends. In general, people love this product because it is fast, effective, and trustworthy – everything promised by ConnectX-5 is true!

Ratings and Feedback Summary


According to CNET users, the Mellanox ConnectX-5 is very good, with its remarkable data transfer speeds and low latency is highly appreciated. Frequently mentioned in reviews is its simplicity of installation and real-world improvements in network performance, which are important for data-heavy applications. Most feedback is positive – on average, people give it 4.5 stars out of 5.


TechRadar’s community reviewers love this card’s robustness and ability to work reliably even in high-demanding environments. Many people also like its power efficiency and how effectively it manages heat dissipation. It has an average score of about 4.6/5 stars from all users, which means most were satisfied.

Tom’s Hardware:

The comprehensive software support and compatibility with multiple systems have earned the Mellanox ConnectX-5 a great reputation on Tom’s Hardware, where reviewers appreciate these features most. They mention that network efficiency increases significantly while bandwidth becomes much better than before after using this product. People gave an average rating of 4.7/5 stars because they believe that it will last long due to its durability and performance, according to many users who expressed their confidence in them there too.

What Are the Delivery Options and Pricing for Mellanox ConnectX-5?

What Are the Delivery Options and Pricing for Mellanox ConnectX-5?

Understanding Delivery Times and Costs

The Mellanox ConnectX-5 can be purchased from various sellers, and each seller has different shipping options that take various amounts of time and cost differing sums of money.


Amazon offers Prime members free delivery on many items; however, they also offer same-day shipping and one-day shipping if you are in a hurry. These two options could get the product to you within hours or days (depending on where you live). The thing about expedited shipping is that it costs much more than standard.


Fibermall generally takes 3-5 business days to deliver packages using standard shipping. On the other hand, express delivery guarantees arrival between 1-3 business days after purchase. Some products even qualify for free shipment under special promotions. Shipping costs depend on location and chosen carrier.

B&H Photo Video:

Standard delivery through B&H Photo Video typically takes 5-7 business days; however, express services can whittle this down to 2-3 business days. Delivery speed impacts cost alongside destination proximity, among other factors, which could see certain products shipped free of charge.

These options allow consumers to make decisions that balance between how fast they want their Mellanox ConnectX-5 network card delivered with how much they’re willing to pay for postage, knowing that all providers will ensure eventually delivering it so as not to waste customer’s time and undermine faith in e-commerce reliability.

Where to Buy the Mellanox ConnectX-5

In regard to purchasing a Mellanox ConnectX-5, the top three websites to go to are Amazon, Fibermall, and B&H Photo Video.

Amazon: One of the biggest e-commerce stores in the world, Amazon has many options for Mellanox ConnectX-5 network cards. They offer different ways of shipping, usually having stock ready for fast delivery, especially if you are a Prime member.

Fibermall: Specializing in computer hardware and electronics, it is a great place to buy the Mellanox ConnectX-5. They often have promotions and discounts available as well as reliable shipping methods for all kinds of buyers.

B&H Photo Video: Another trusted seller of the Mellanox ConnectX-5. B&H Photo Video has competitive pricing along with standard and expedited shipping options that tend to cater to professional/business customers more so than other retailers.

All three platforms offer different benefits that allow customers to pick based on their preferred mix of cost, speed of delivery, promotional rewards, etc.

Comparing Prices Across Various Retailers

In order to compare the prices of Mellanox ConnectX-5 network cards on Amazon, Fibermall, and B&H Photo Video, a recent examination of these websites produced the following findings:

Amazon: Depending on which model customers choose and who they buy it from, the Mellanox ConnectX-5 can cost anywhere between $200 and $350 on Amazon. Prime users can take advantage of free expedited shipping, which might save them a lot of money.

Fibermall: On Fibermall, you can get a Mellanox ConnectX-5 for between $210 and $330. They also have frequent sales events and coupons that allow you to buy it for even cheaper than that. They offer standard or expedited shipping, too, but sometimes, with certain promotions, they do a free delivery service.

B&H Photo Video: The price range at B&H Photo Video is from $220 -$340. They say they have competitive pricing in general but especially among other resellers like them who also offer this kind of product so there’s probably not much difference in price between different places where you would find this card being sold for around 300 dollars or so give or take some bucks depending on what model number it is exactly etc.. They also provide standard or expedited shipping options as well as tailored bulk purchasing benefits for business and professional customers.

Customers are able to decide what best suits their budget by comparing these costs and the specific shipping advantages provided by each merchant.

Reference Sources

Network interface controller

PCI Express

Mellanox Technologies

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What is Mellanox ConnectX-5 EN Network Card?

A: It is the highest performance and most flexible solution for server environments that need advanced networking capabilities, supports 100 Gigabit Ethernet speeds, and provides enhanced offload functions to reduce CPU loads in demanding data-intensive tasks.

Q: How many ports does it have?

A: Typically, the Mellanox ConnectX-5 EN network adapter comes with dual-port configurations, allowing for redundancy and increased data throughput.

Q: What type of connectors does the card support?

A: 100GbE dual-port QSFP28 compatible with high-speed optical fiber connections and certain copper cables — great Ethernet adapter card option.

Q: Can I use it for optical fiber connections?

A: Yes. Designed to work seamlessly with optical fiber connections, delivering high packet rates and throughput.

Q: What slot compatibility does it have?

A: The Mellanox ConnectX-5 EN network card will fit into PCIe 3.0 x16 slots which give enough bandwidth for 100Gigabit Ethernet applications.

Q: Can data analytics software work on Mellanox ConnectX-5?

A: Yes, this is possible because the Mellanox ConnectX-5 EN drives very high packet rates while mitigating CPU load through offloading mechanisms.

Q: What advantages come with employing dual-port QSFP28 with Mellanox ConnectX-5 EN?

A: With dual-port QSFP28, the Mellanox ConnectX-5 EN achieves higher data rates and redundancy, which leads to better network performance overall. Moreover, this dual-port design makes it an extremely flexible Ethernet adapter card, thereby making it among the best networking solutions for server environments in terms of performance.

Q: Who produces Mellanox ConnectX-5 EN network cards?

A: Nvidia, a renowned technology giant that also manufactures other computer hardware components.

Q: Which fields are most suitable for utilization of Mellanox ConnectX-5 EN?

A: Thanks to its capability of handling large amounts of packets per second as well as various networking configurations flexibility towards them, industries dealing with data analytics, HPC (High Performance Computing), finance services and telecommunications among others can greatly benefit from using the product.

Q: Is there any possibility that the Mellanox ConnectX-5 EN forms part of the Network Development Kit?

A: Absolutely! The inclusion of data plane development kit by developers enables them carry out testing plus optimization of network functions at higher throughput levels.

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