QSFP-DD is a popular packaging mode in 400G data centers. 400G connections include intra-cabinet, inter-cabinet, long-reach, or room connections. 400G QSFP-DD AOC high-speed cables are conveniently used for intra-cabinet interconnections, and this article will specify the specifications related to QSFP-DD AOC active optical cables.

The fiber-based active fiber optic AOC is one of the best solutions to meet the stringent requirements for multiplexed communications and interconnections for high speed, high capacity, and high signal overall applications.
The QSFP-DD AOC contains one or more optical modules at each end and is connected by fiber optics in the middle for interconnection between devices.


The QSFP-DD AOC uses QSFP-DD package modules on both ends and VCSEL array technology to modulate signals based on PAM4 at 26.7Gbps baud rate, enabling rates of up to 53Gbps per channel.

QSFP-DD to 2x200G QSFP56 AOC

QSFP-DD to 2x200G QSFP56 AOC active optical cable with 400G QSFP-DD module at one end and 2 x 200G QSFP56 modules at the other end for interworking link between 1 x 400G and 2 x 200G Ethernet in the data center.

QSFP-DD to 4x100G QSFP28 AOC

QSFP-DD to 4x100G QSFP28 AOC active optical cable with 400G QSFP-DD modules on one end and four 100G QSFP28 modules on the other end for interconnecting 1-way 400G and 4-way 100G Ethernet in the data center. Uses reliable VCSEL array technology with low power consumption and low cost.

QSFP-DD to 8x50G SFP56 AOC

QSFP-DD to 8x50G SFP56 AOC active optical cable with 400G QSFP-DD modules on one end and 8x50G SFP56 modules on the other for interconnecting 1-way 400G and 8-way 50G Ethernet in data centers, using reliable VCSEL technology with low power consumption and low cost.

Compared with the optical module plus fiber optic patch cable connection solution, in addition to the price advantage, AOC active optical cable has the advantages of lightweight, longer transmission distance than DAC, resisting electromagnetic interference (EMI), and easy cable management.
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